
Introduction to breath work, mindfulness and nervous system regulation.

This webpage is a central resource to help support the techniques we practice at your training ground. It is designed to evolve at a gentle pace to help build a gradual understanding of mind/body techniques and self-awareness. For that reason, and because people can voluntarily join the learning whenever it is best for them, please do not progress to future material until you have completed the introduction at level 1 below. This is particularly important if players have experienced highly stressful incidents at work or at home. We will be addressing the nature of stress and how it impacts us in later sessions.

If anyone wishes to share this information with family or friends and wishes to check first the best way of supporting them please email or

Click on the links below for more information.

For players and coaches attending their respective introductory sessions on Monday 2nd December and Monday 9th December - a simple reminder of the technique we practised and how to find the rhythm best for you. Try it as often as you find comfortable. This could be simply for a minute or two...or for longer but probably no longer than 5-10 minutes for now. It is the regularity of practice that is more important at the moment. We will discuss in more detail and how and when such techniques can benefit you.


© 2019 7Futures Ltd. Please note that at 7Futures, our role is to help educate and guide on our areas of expertise and experience. At times this means helping with the complex integration of mental and physical wellbeing and how that impacts upon performance, stress management, sleep quality, emotional regulation and mental wellbeing, It is important to stress that while we use sports scientists, physiotherapists, nurses etc. as part of our team we are not medical doctors and are not able to offer individual medical advice. We always recommend you should discuss with your private GP or workplace medical professionals before making any changes you hope will impact your wellbeing. The information we provide is not a prescription system and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.