"Having attended a short training course on Resilience, facilitated by Mark Davies, I can honestly say that my attitude towards my health and well-being has significantly improved for the better. Although as a behavioural coach I have always believed that the most powerful form of help is self-help, I now have a much deeper understanding as to why that is the case ...This knowledge is now something that I promote and include in my work and I have in turn, received great feedback from those that have attended my courses. Additionally I suggested to a friend that she take part in Mark’s course as she was struggling with depression and had previously sought professional help. After attending she stated that her experience was far more beneficial to her than the 6 months’ worth of cognitive behavioural therapy that she had received prior ...I would like to thank Mark for this training and say that the impact is not only due to the content, but the professional and approachable way in which it was delivered..."
Alan Davies Project Manager (Change) – Behavioural Coach, Western Change Team, Network Rail.