Kelly Sotherton

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Triple Olympic medal winning athlete and board member of the SPTT (Sports People Think Tank)

Kelly is a three time Olympic medallist, World and European medallist and Commonwealth Champion at Heptathlon and 4x400m. She was an elite athlete for over 10 years and retired shortly before the London 2012 due to a severe back injury.

Since her retirement, Kelly has worked in various media outlets covering sport and topical issues within sport. Kelly is passionate about athlete welfare and fair processes and most recently founded the British Athletics Athletes Commission. In 2015 she was elected onto the IAAF Women’s Committee and has now been selected to be on the IAAF Gender Leadership Taskforce. Kelly has an interest in Athletes rights and views and is a Board member of the SPTT (Sports People Think Tank). Kelly is currently studying her MSc in Sports Directorship at The University of Salford Business School.'